The UVAR Box workshop 3 took place on 20 September. After a short introduction by DG MOVE setting the legal and political framework of the project, a presentation of the status of the project’s activities was given by the project coordinator. Then the achieved report on UVARs’ state of the art was presented, as well as all the national stakeholders’ engagement efforts done by our Country Coaches. Finally, the first hand coded DATEX II ‘low-emission zone’ data model of the city of Amsterdam was shown and introduced by our partner U-Trex. Then a first overview of the tools’ functions and interfaces were provided by our partner PRISMA Solutions, currently developing the tools.
Apart from giving an update on the status and the activities conducted in the first year of our project, the workshop enabled a good discussion on expectations from the European audience. It was the occasion to clarify the challenges we are tackling and the results we are heading to.
We would like to thank all participants for their interest and relevant insights. Looking forward to show you further progress in the coming months, and to our next exchanges!