The project sets out 4 demonstrators, each carried out in multiple cities across the EU.
Demonstrating improved UVAR Signage
This demonstrator aims to enable completeness, clarity and harmonization of UVAR road signs as well as to share and agree on a set of common practices of UVARs’ on-road information provision.
The demo involves city officials dealing with traffic management and UVARs in different city authority departments, but also key representatives from national and regional authorities.
Through an online collaborative platform and a calendar of meetings, participants will share their experience, contribute and discuss on elements such as use of stationary signs, road marking and Variable Message Signs (VMS) for advance warning and access to different UVARs typologies, use of text and pictograms, optimal signage sizes and positioning.
Practical implementations may include tests of harmonized VMS, better positioning/organisation of UVAR signage, installation of improved physical vertical signs, supplementary panels road markings and assessment of the comprehension and clarity of existing and improved signs with local stakeholders.

Demonstrating C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport System) for UVARs
This demonstration aims to demonstrate and test the use of C-ITS to send relevant UVAR information directly to vehicles for existing and upcoming C-ITS UVAR services. This use case will show the potential to display the usability of In-Vehicle Information (IVI) messages with its free text function to convey UVAR information. C-ITS messages can be displayed the whole time the vehicle is within an UVAR zone and not only along the border of such a zone (through traffic signs or other markings). This also removes the need for the driver to comprehend what may be relatively complex information within a few seconds, which may be the case with using variable text panels or traffic signs.

Data exchange
Demonstrating solutions for Cross-border data exchange supporting UVAR enforcement
This demonstration will focus on the enforcement of Low Emission Zone regulations for foreign vehicle city access. With the support of the local stakeholders and cross-border data exchange solution providers, the demonstration will showcase and assess the application of the initially identified solutions with 2 pairs of cities and member states. The solutions will support the cross-border access and exchange of one or both of:
1) vehicle technical data allowing recognition of the emission standards of foreign vehicles and, when necessary,
2) vehicle owner/holder identification to the competent authority be able to issue fines.
With a hands-on approach and the active participation of cities, member states, stakeholders the demonstration will contribute to the delivery of practical recommendations for future deployment approaches in Europe.

Commonalities with UVAR box
The C-ITS aspects of the UVARExchange project will be using DATEX II.
DATEX II is the electronic language used in Europe for the exchange of traffic information and traffic data. The development of DATEX II was initiated to exchange information between traffic centres of motorway operators, and through UVARBox this is being extended to UVARs.