Workshop: Sustainable UVAR data collection – A challenge to be mastered

In the framework of UVAR Box, AustriaTech and POLIS Network are inviting you to the workshop “Sustainable UVAR data collection – A challenge to be mastered” which will take place on 4 August 2022, 10-12AM CEST on Zoom. The objective of the workshop is to reflect on the stated challenges and to discuss future prospects for reliable provision of UVAR data on European as well as on Member state level.


Draft Agenda

  • Welcome and introducing the aim of the Workshop
  • Status report on the elaborated outcome on sustainable data collection and provision of UVAR data
  • Reflecting the identified challenges
  • Discussion on the proposed strategies to ensure sustainable data collection and provision of UVAR data
  • Outlook on the final conference and the available UVAR Box tool

What is the UVAR Box project?

UVAR Box project is aiming to foster information to road users about urban and regional access schemes (UVARs). The availability and provision of digitalised UVAR data is key to integrated mobility services. 

Within the UVAR Box project significant steps to prepare and provide harmonized UVAR data have been taken by implementing the UVAR Box tool. Find out more about the European requirements, the challenges to overcome and the proposals to address sustainability tasks concerning the UVAR data collection and accessibility of the UVAR data.

Who should join?

We address participants in the field of UVAR implementing authorities, representatives of municipalities and states, NAP operators, transport infrastructure provider, travel information providers and further organizations involved in establishing and processing UVAR data and cordially invite you to take part and join the discussion. 

What will happen after the registration?

You will receive a confirmation and a reminder 1-2 days prior of the online event.