How do different cities and countries regulate the influx of trucks and personal vehicles into urban areas? Have these cities already digitised their UVAR data? How do cities and regions inform their citizens about changes in the local UVAR? All these and more questions are being answered on the more than 80 pages of the ‘UVAR State of Play Report’, which was published as a first deliverable by our UVARBox project.
The report meets the needs of the rapid developments of UVARs as a modern policy tool to limit inner city access. Thus, the typology and the geographical scope of UVARs that are covered in the project are explained in an introductory chapter.
Furthermore, the report includes overviews on the countries that are part of the UVARBox digitisation scheme, namely Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Italy, as well as other EU Member States.
Last, but not least, an outlook is provided concerning the upcoming steps and tasks that the EU-funded UVARBox project is taking towards the goal of digitising UVARs in the respective countries.